Who is eligible for a certificate?

Anyone is eligible to apply for a certificate regardless of institutional affiliation or citizenship.

Certificate Structure

To complete a certificate, you attend 100 hours of eligible digital humanities workshops. Eligible workshops are listed on our calendar and list of eligible asynchronous workshops.

  • At least 60 hours must be undertaken with in-depth workshops of at least 20 hours, such as those offered at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) or the DH@Guelph Summer Workshops.
  • The balance of training hours can be completed from other approved opportunities of varying lengths (and can include further 20+ hour workshops)
  • The 100 hours of training must be completed within a 5 year window
  • At least 60 hours must be undertaken (virtually or in-person) from Canadian institutions
  • A maximum of 30 hours can be completed with asynchronous workshops

Eligible Workshops

Eligible workshops are listed on our events calendar. Our partner organizations indicate which of their workshops are certificate eligible. Contact your liaison if you see a workshop that you think should be eligible but isn’t on our calendar.

Would you like to have your upcoming event(s) listed as an eligible workshop? Please be in touch with us at digitalhumanities@stfx.ca.

What about workshops I attended previously?

Workshops should fall within a 5-year window to be eligible. This means we will accept workshops from 2018-2023; 2019-2024, and so forth.