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DH Project Foundations: Best Practices for Getting Started

square logo with white text on dark blue: UBC (University of British Columbia); below, with white text on lighter blue: Library Research Commons

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in person/face-à-face

Date: January 7 2025

This workshop sets the foundation for those at the beginning stages of a DH project. Specifically, this workshop will provide an introduction to best practices and workflows for those embarking on a TEI-based project. Topics will include best practices for file naming, organizational and naming practices, version control in Git/GitHub, and setting up a local environment for TEI encoding. 

This workship is presented in partnership with the Digital Scholarship in the Arts Initiative (DiSA) and the Adaptive TEI Network Initiative

Instructor: Joey Takeda

Joey Takeda is a Developer in the Digital Humanities Innovation Lab, Simon Fraser University Library and a member of the TEI Technical Council.

1958 Main Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V62 1Z2 Canada
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