Led by: Markus Wust
Have you ever looked at the wide variety of courses offered at DHSI and wondered what all those technical terms mean? Or had problems deciding on which technologies might be best suited for your work or most interesting to pursue further? This course is meant to provide a broad overview of technologies that are often used (and talked about) in the Digital Humanities. While it cannot (and is not meant to) serve as a replacement for any of the technology-focused workshops at DHSI, this course can provide a foundation to help you make informed decisions on where to direct further studies as well as get you over the initial hurdle. Each technology will be approached through a mixture of lectures and exercises.
Proposed topics: We will survey the following technologies and methods: How does a computer work?; Image and video editing; Audio recording and editing; XML and text encoding; Text analysis; 3D Modelling; Content Management Systems; and Geographic Information Systems. This course will have lecture, demo, and hands-on components. It is a good foundation for all tool- and technology-oriented DHSI offerings.