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Multimodal Rhetorics, Digital Writing

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June 2 June 6


in person/face-à-face

Led by: Denna Iammarino and Kristine Kelly

A longstanding relationship exists between the digital humanities and writing studies as
evidenced by journals like Kairos and Computers and Composition Online; however, in
practice, the multi-faceted and mutually influential relationship between digital
technology, rhetorical theory, and interdisciplinary writing practices tends to be
underestimated. By centrally orienting this relationship, our course will explore
multimodal writing practices, theories, and pedagogies in digital spaces and reconsider
how rhetorical aims, digital platforms, and disciplinary conventions work together to
generate complex and unconventional ways of writing and opportunities for teaching.
We will consider multimodal composition across digital and analog environments,
including open-access platforms like Scalar and Twine, and we will re-purpose everyday
materials and software to reconsider rhetorical principles (like invention and
arrangement). Adopting an interdisciplinary writing studies lens, we will investigate
questions like: 

  • How do we persuade and engage differently in digital and multimodal spaces? 
  • How do we understand what it means to be an author and a reader in different formats or media? 
  • How can we adopt co-creation and collaboration as frameworks for inclusive writing practices in digital spaces?

This course will be hands-on and will help faculty, graduate students, librarians, and
instructional technologists design assignments and activities for (digital) humanities and
interdisciplinary courses that include writing. We will collaborate on designing and
scaffolding assignments, identifying methods for assessment, and collectively
investigating the relationship between digital making tools and rhetorical practice and
pedagogy. At the end of the week, participants will have a fully designed, scaffolded
assignment and a better understanding of ways to incorporate digital writing approaches
and tools into their teaching and scholarly communication.

3150 Rue Jean Brillant
Montreal, Québec H3T 1N7 Canada
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